The rule of expansion of the Jamarat ranges and the opinion of the jurists in it


A lecture in the Department of Jurisprudence, the College of Sharia at the University of Najran And the researchers of the Dukuruh in jurisprudence in the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies At Umm Al -Qura University - Saudi Arabia


It is permissible to expand the Jamarat for the following considerations: that there is no definition from the Prophet r or about his companions in determining the area of ​​the Jamarat, that here is an urgent need to expand the Jamarat for the narrow circle of the goal, and what happens in it from the severe crowding, and the need is necessary For embarrassment, the Almighty said (and what made you embarrassed in religion). Tightening and narrowing of people and leaving what is expanding and raising embarrassment and principles that require it.


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