Which abstained from the apparent meaning of the Qur’anic vocabulary between the two connotations: linguistic and exegetical


Faculty of Arabic Language - Al-Azhar University - Assiut - Egypt


It is noticeable for most of the people of our time that the bonds of their relationship with our Arabic language are being torn apart little by little, and then their sum of language utterances and knowledge of their meanings became depleted, and there became a distance between them and it. The legal texts, especially the Book of God - the Mighty and Sublime. One of the manifestations of this is that you find a large group of people - even specialists - when they interpret the Qur’anic text, they interpret some of its vocabulary on the apparent linguistic meaning that is well known to them; Because they know nothing but Him. Then the Qur’anic text surprises you that this apparent meaning is impossible, and is not consistent with what God intends in it. Here lies the danger of this wrong interpretation, and the corrupt purpose resulting from this sinful understanding is embodied; Because the bump in it is not as in others. Therefore, these semantic lapses moved me and stopped me in the hands of this idea for a long time, and I preferred to collect some of these vocabulary that was sprung between the two covers of the Holy Qur’an, the apparent meaning of which was avoided. And I treat its material, so I prove with irrefutable arguments the invalidity of this apparent linguistic connotation that comes to mind, and I confirm the corruption of its meaning between the corners of the text, then stop the reader on the correct meaning chosen by the verse and consistent with the purpose of the dear download. This, and the research has discovered that some of these semantic lapses are of great sin and great sin. Because some of them affect the constants of religion, such as defaming the infallibility of the prophets, and some of them explain the unseen in a way other than its audible aspect of revelation; Hence the importance of this idea, which works to correct these erroneous connotations.


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