The temporal layer of the trustworthy narrator and its impact on judging his members whether they accept or respond


College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion at Najran University - Saudi Arabia


This study dealt with an important research in the science of ills, which is the uniqueness of trustworthy ones, and worked to show the approach of the imams of criticism in judging the hadiths of (trustworthy individuals), and that they take into account the evidence in their judgments acceptance and response through their anecdotal theories and their practical applications, and that each hadith has its own consideration. Among the clues highlighted in this study, theoretically and practically, is the imams of criticism’s consideration of the narrator’s layer of temporal confidence when judging its members acceptably or repeatedly. The study concluded the following results: - Deriving evidence of reasoning from the sayings of the imams and their applications, studying them and explaining their impact on judging hadiths are among the innovative trends in hadith research; Because reasoning books do not provide for these clues in most cases, and if I do mention them, they are in precise terms and expressions that only those in this regard can understand. - Trustworthy individuals are among the delicate paths that only the great critics are qualified to judge. Because it is subject to the presumptions in judging it, and it is many that require careful understanding and deep consideration when judging it. - The imams of criticism do not have a steady approach in accepting or refuting trustworthy individuals, but rather they judge the evidence; Therefore, each hadith has its own view, and they do not have a control over it for that. Rather, they take into account the acceptance and rejection of the evidence, which are many. I reviewed in this research one of those clues, which is: the narrator's time layer and its impact on the singularities of trust acceptance and response. - Al-Mutla’ in the books of the imams of criticism sees that their predominant position on individual hadiths and strange things is to warn against them; Because it is a suspicion of error and illusion, the singularity is not a bug in itself, but rather an indication of a defect in the narration; Therefore, many warned them. - The singularity of a Companion with a hadith or hadiths from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is an existing fact, and it is absolutely acceptable if the path to it is proven. This is because each of my Companions fulfilled the two pillars of authentication: justice and control. - That the possibility of exclusivity in the class of followers is accepted from him that is not accepted in others; Because the narration did not expand in its circulation, as well as the spread of charity in this class; Because of its proximity to the class of companions. - The effect of exclusivity on the followers of the followers was more evident than the one before it. Because the novel spread, and the narrators were keen to investigate and follow; Which makes the possibility of error in it to be expected. - The effect of exclusivity on the favored layer after centuries is clear in raising doubts about its acceptance and judgment of its validity. Because the novel spread, and the narrators were keen to investigate and follow, and the writing of hadith spread; Which makes the occurrence of singularity in it a kind of error on the part of the singular, as it is unlikely that something will be missed by the general narrators in multiple layers, and then it appears suddenly at a late time, especially if it is in one of the origins of the Sharia, and the need for it is urgent for inference.


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