Al-Shanqiti’s reliance in his statement on monotheism on the Qur’an - through his book Adwa’ al-Bayan


College of Arts and Humanities - Taibah University - Yanbu - Saudi Arabia


The rational and innate evidence with which the Noble Qur’an inferred the existence of God Almighty and His lordship of the worlds, and what this entails of believing in His divinity, and glorifying Him in worship alone with no partner for Him, with the belief that it contradicts His creation in His Essence and His Attributes that are praised by mentioning it to His servants, so that they may know through this divine Qur’anic source. That he has the most beautiful names and supreme qualities in which no one is equal to him, and that describing him with them is not understood from him is a taboo in the creed. The second topic: Al-Shanqeeti’s reliance on the Qur’an for the unification of divinity. The third topic: Al-Shanqeeti’s reliance in his statement on the unification of the names and attributes on the Qur’an. During the research, comparisons were made between this approach and other scholars before him.


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