Biological Marginalization in the Novel of Hunger by Al-Basati


Faculty of Arabic Language for Boys - Girga - Al-Azhar University - Egypt


This research stands on one of the popular social phenomena, which is the phenomenon of marginalization, which is related to a large class of society that suffers from many and varied life problems. This marginalization is caused by people or by social factors and conditions, and despite the widespread prevalence of this phenomenon in literary works, we do not find a single study of the idea in itself commensurate with this prevalence, and this was the reason for the first choice of this study. When studying this phenomenon, my choice fell on the novel Hunger by the writer Muhammad Al-Basati, which is on the “short” list of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction in 2009, known as the “Booker Prize”. This novel was published for the first time in 2007 by Dar Al-Adab for publication and distribution in Lebanon. It has also been translated into English, French and German, and it is one of the shortest novels included in the short list, as the number of pages is approximately 120 pages. The novel consists of four individuals and a “guest” who lives with them forever, who does not turn away from them (hunger). This is the focus of our discussion in this study.


Main Subjects