The changes that occur in the late bad nouns "An Analytical Study"


Faculty of Islamic and Arab Studies for Girls in Damanhour - Al-Azhar University


The nature of the research required that it be as follows: As for the introduction: I mentioned the title of the research, and the method used in its preparation. As for the preamble: it came under the title: (An Overview of the Sick and Similar Names with the Sahih, and the Changes That Affect Their Late Names), and it includes: First: The Bad Names. Second: the changes that are affected by the last bad nouns. As for the first topic: its title: (changes that occur in the declension and plural at the end of some defective nouns), and as for the second topic: its title: (the changes that occur in the diminutive at the end of some defective nouns). As for the third topic: its title: (The changes that lineage bring about at the end of the afflicted nouns). As for the fourth topic: its title: (Miscellaneous changes in the end of some sick names) and as for the conclusion: it included the most important results that I reached through the research. As for the proven sources and references: the sources and references that I relied on in preparing the research are mentioned in it.


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