Laxity in raising the major event and its impact on worship: A comparative jurisprudential study


College of Sharia - Taif University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


After in the name of God; and thank God; And prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and after ;;;
This research was characterized as “slackness in raising the major event and its impact on worship,” a comparative jurisprudential study. as soon as it is verified; and between inaction a period of time; Is it legal for him to do this laxity? clarified the definition of the vocabulary of the title; slackening and raising the greater event; In preparation for entering into the topics of the research, which dealt with the difference between junub, menstruating and postpartum women; And about the ruling on the taxpayer’s indolence for a period of time from washing; It differentiated between two images related to the expanded duty to perform acts of worship; and the straitened duty therein; And he clarified that the taxpayer has no will for the narrow duty, but rather he must comply with the lifting of the major event. He also has a willingness to relax in the expanded duty to coexist with permissible things that do not require the removal of the major event, as explained by Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and other scholars and jurists, may God Almighty have mercy on them; And explained the categories of what God dropped from the menstruating woman; I dealt with the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saw him in the market and later learned from him that he was in a state of impurity; How can a Muslim reduce impurity by performing ablution? It indicated that the worship is suspensive. And what about the effect of this inaction in raising the hadith on three forms of worship, namely: the obligatory prayer; touching the Qur’an; God Almighty mentioned; Accordingly, I concluded by asking forgiveness and asking forgiveness from God Almighty. and attaining his wages; And to forgive me, the reader, the Muslims, and whoever said: Amen.


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