Eetemam Completing the precedent of the precedent in the obligatory prayer


King Abdulaziz Military College - Kingdom of Arabia - Saudi Arabia


My choice fell on the subject of (completing the one who is preceded by the precedent in the obligatory prayer) because it relates to a delicate issue in the most important acts of worship. It is prayer. The research was divided into an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. The introduction included the research plan. In the first topic, I defined the completion of the latecomer with the latecomer, and then mentioned the ruling on the latecomer rising to make up for what he missed before delivering his imam. In the second topic, I spoke about the ruling on the succession of the precedent. Because many of the jurists built the issue of research on it, then simplified the saying in the ruling on following the precedent of the precedent in the Friday prayer, and in other obligatory prayers.


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