Adjustment of the Companions "may God be pleased with them" in the hadith of the Prophet


College of Education - Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Research Objectives: Confirmation of the Companions’ control of the Prophetic Sunnah by collecting emphases, evidence and statements that the Companions said about themselves, or said about them by others, which confirm their control of the Prophetic hadith, and confirm their observance of the issue of memorization, control and perfection of what they narrate from the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and that it was An issue present in their minds and hearts. The most important results of the research: The research shows the strength of the Companions’ control over the words of the Prophet’s hadith, as it was based on several important pillars: such as their veneration of the narration of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, their knowledge of the danger of lying to him, and their knowledge of the honor of keeping and conveying his Sunnah. For those who did not hear it.. the diversity of expression, and the choice of words emphasizing control of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, was clearly present, as there were many and varied expressions that they used to confirm their control, whether in terms of confirmation of memorization, experience, testimony, or other. Verbal Evidence To control the Companions has legal extensions; Such as glorifying swearing and swearing, glorifying the importance of martyrdom, and the danger of lying to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. After listing the nine books, I found that the most frequent confirmers of accuracy is the testimony of the narration, as it was mentioned in (41) hadiths, then the statement of memorization and not forgetting; It was mentioned in 32 hadiths, then what was mentioned in the example of the companion’s saying: “My ears heard it, my eyes saw it, and my heart understood it.” It was mentioned in (21) hadiths, and the rest of the evidence was repeated less than twenty times, and some of them were only mentioned once: like the correction of the Prophet May God bless him and grant him peace.


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