The occasion for the fundamentalists - its limit, the liberation of its sections, and its authenticity


College of Sharia and Islamic Studies - Qassim University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The idea of ​​the research is summed up in editing the meaning of the occasion in language and terminology, description and conduct, and editing its sections in detail, clarification and weighting, and standing on the subtlety of the disagreement in it, and clarifying its authenticity and the lack of its appropriateness, through the most important fundamentalist references, with useful detail regarding the divisions, it is the purpose of the research and its problem, and they differed In it there is a wide difference and there are many sayings and they overlap with each other. And I followed the inductive and analytical approach to the most important books of the advanced principles of jurisprudence, which I estimated that it was distinguished by its division and that it was a source for those who came after it by transferring from it, and following its approach to division, in three sections: The first topic: the truth of the occasion - The second topic: The sections of the occasion, the third topic: The authenticity of the occasion and its inkram


Main Subjects