The arrangement of the surahs of the Noble Qur’an according to the time of their revelation in the thought of Al-Jabri: Presentation, analysis and criticism


College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Boys - Cairo Al-Azhar and Tabuk Universities


The research revolves around preserving the origins and constants of religion and revealing its transmission and mental foundations on which it was based, and in response to the deviation of the owners of the rambling modernist reading that contradicts transmission and reason at the same time - through the presentation of one of its prominent figures on the intellectual scene, the Moroccan thinker Dr. Muhammad Abed Al-Jabri, for an issue that has long been repeated and repeated, and it is the issue of arranging the surahs of the Noble Qur’an in an arrangement consistent with the time of its revelation. Arrangement on the time of its descent, and this subtraction is still to this day. So the research revealed and supported the aspects of the truth in it, and portrayed the falsehood in it and refuted its suspicions through what was presented by Dr. Al-Jabri.


Main Subjects